Library Map
Use the map below to find your way around the first and second floors of Barber Library. You can also explore all three floors of the building through 360 panoramas in the Library Virtual Tour!

First Floor
Second Floor
← Entrance

- General
From the entrance, the elevator is to the right of the rotunda, near the restrooms.
Faculty & Administrative Offices
The offices of library faculty and administrators are on the second floor, down the hallway to the right of the restrooms.
Lactation Room
The Lactation Room is on the second floor, in the hallway to the right of the restrooms. Ask a library staff member to open the door.
Group Study Rooms
Fourteen Group Study Rooms are available for checkout.
Rooms 103–109 are on the first floor. 205, 206, and the Oregon Rooms are on the second. -
Phone Zones
Phone Zones are located by the restrooms on the first and second floors.
The restrooms on the first and second floors are located to the north of the rotunda.
Testing & Tutoring, Writing Center, Services for Students with Disabilities, eLearning, LIB 001 & LIB 023
Tutoring and Testing, the Writing Center, Services for Students with Disabilities, eLearning, and classrooms 001 & 023 are down the stairs from the rotunda.
- Classrooms
LIB 117
From the entrance, LIB 117 is to the right of the rotunda, and down the hall through the security gates.
LIB 118
From the entrance, LIB 118 is to the right of the rotunda, and down the hall through the security gates.
LIB 221 (Max Merrill)
LIB 221 is on the second floor, down the hallway to the right of the restrooms.
- Help
Circulation & Reserves
From the entrance, the Circulation Desk is on the right in the rotunda.
Ask at the desk to check out reserves, technology and study room keys. -
Reference Desk
From the entrance, the Reference Desk is directly ahead through the rotunda.
Interlibrary Loan
The Interlibrary Loan office is in the rotunda, opposite the Circulation Desk.
- Collections
The Audiovisual collection is in the first floor stacks, to the right.
Browsing & Graphic Novels
The Browsing Collection and Graphic Novels are in the West Wing on the first floor, south side.
From the entrance, most of the Children's Literature & Equity Resource Center (CLERC) is on the left side of the rotunda, to the left of the patio doors.
The YA collection is to the right of the patio doors. -
Games & Puzzles
Board games and puzzles are in the West Wing on the first floor, south side.
Government Documents
The Government Documents are in the first floor stacks, to the right.
Maps are stored in drawers between the Reference Desk and the first floor stacks.
Microform holdings are in drawers at the back of the first floor stacks.
New Books
There are three New Books shelves on the first floor, all near the reference desk.
Oversized Books
Oversized materials are in the second floor stacks, near the West Reading Room.
From the entrance, current newspapers and magazines are to the left of the rotunda, past the CLERC YA collection.
Older periodicals are in the first floor stacks. -
The Reference materials are in the first floor stacks, to the right.
Second Floor Stacks
Most books available for checkout are on the second floor, organized by Library of Congress call number.
- Technologies
About 40 computers are available for public use on the first and second floors.
Microfilm Scanner
The microfilm scanning station is on the first floor, between the Maps and the Audiovisual collection.
The printers are along the wall by the Reference Desk.
The KIC BookEdge scanner is by the Reference Desk. The Multimedia Center with ArcGIS and Adobe CC is directly behind it.