Information Literacy Instruction Request

In Information Literacy (IL) sessions, librarians visit COCC classes to provide instruction custom-tailored to course assignments and needs.

Concepts and skills covered in instruction may include:

  • Selecting appropriate sources to fulfill an information need
  • Developing appropriate topics for research and determining keywords
  • Using effective search techniques in databases and other search tools
  • Critically evaluating information and its sources for their value and quality
  • Citing sources correctly and using sources ethically to avoid plagiarism

Participating in the embedded librarian program will allow a librarian to have a more focused instructional approach beyond what can be accomplished in a single classroom visit. You will work directly with one librarian to customize the experience based on your needs and schedule, but most participants have included at least one of the following elements:

  • A mention of the librarian/embedded program in the syllabus and a 5-minute introduction visit at the beginning of the term
  • A discussion board in Canvas monitored by the librarian
  • Between 3-5 visits, shorter than the IL Sessions and scaffolded to target specific skills at the point of need
  • An assignment developed by the faculty member and librarian to specifically address research skills